Holy Angels High School

Society of St. Anne, Madras (Bolarum, Secunderabad)


General Rules

General Rules

At Holy Angels High School, we uphold a set of general rules designed to create a disciplined, respectful, and conducive learning environment. These rules ensure that all students maintain high standards of behavior, punctuality, and academic integrity, fostering a community where everyone can thrive.

  1. Students should bring the school diary to school every day.
  2. Bringing expensive articles and electronic gadgets especially mobile phones are strictly prohibited; else will be confiscated.
  3. School gates will be closed by 8.45 a.m. sharp. So, parents must make sure especially those who drop their ward to school to reach them by 8:40 a.m. Late comers will be sent back home.
  4. All applications for leave on medical grounds to be supported by authentic medical certificates.
  5. Irregular attendance, constant negligence of work, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattentive-ness in class, coming late to school will lead a student to expulsion.
  6. Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in other activities of the school must compulsorily participate in them.
  7. A student’s name will be struck off the rolls if he /she is absent without information for a week.
  8. The school reserves the right to dismiss those whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to others or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of the wards. Immoral behaviour, grave insubordination, contempt of authorities or willful damage of school property, is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
  9. All students are expected to come to school daily in freshly laundered uniform, with clean socks and well-polished shoes. Any child who comes to school in a slovenly condition will be kept out of class or sent home. If he/she continues to offend in this respect he/she will be asked to leave the school.
  10. Refinement of character, obedience, neatness in person, dress and punctuality are required at all times.
  11. Any damage done to school property must be compensated by those who are responsible.
  12. If for a serious reason a child has to be taken home, the parent must apply for it in writing. All exemptions, permissions, information, etc. must be sought through the principal.
  13. A student will not be sent home with any other person, unless he/she produces an authorization letter of the parents.
  14. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. They should have their books neatly covered and labelled.
  15. Parents should not bring, send eatables, books etc. to their ward, during school hours, but they should see that the child brings along lunch everyday.
  16. The school expects the students to maintain the highest standard of discipline and decorum.
  17. No exit will be issued to the students once they come to school.
  18. Students should avoid littering in the school premises.
  19. No monetary collection for any purpose may be made in the school without prior permission of the principal.
  20. All students are expected to be present in the school on the reopening day, after each vacation. Absence will entail fine unless valid reasons are furnished.
  21. Submit the project work on time.
  22. Every child should bring napkins, spoon and water bottle in lunch bag


Recommendations To Parents

Please Ensure

  1. Children come to school regularly, punctually shoe polished neatly and properly dressed.
  2. Children bring their diaries, notebooks etc. to school. These should be properly maintained;
  3. Children do their homework regularly;
  4. Bring your child before 8:45 AM to school after which gate will be closed. Lame excuses will not be entertained.
  5. Children suffering from an infectious disease are kept at home for the required quarantine period;
  6. Children do not bring expensive articles, mobiles, jewelries etc. to school. The school will not be responsible if these are lost or stolen.
  7. Children are vaccinated and inoculated against infectious disease

Parents are requested to

  1. See the notes which may be made in the School Diaries by the Teacher.
  2. Make their own remarks and observations in the Diaries for the information of the teacher.
  3. Glance through the books, notebooks and answer papers of their children (from time to time)
  4. Direct all correspondence etc. regarding their children to the principal. When doing so please mention the Name and Class of the child.
  5. See that children turn up for games and other school activities.
  6. Attend the Parent Teacher Meeting held once a month. (Compulsory)
  7. Parents are requested to respond immediately to the call from School.
  8. Parents are requested to pay fee regularly without delay.

Parents are requested...Not to...

  1. Give note to children, to be excused from P.T. Games except for medical reasons unless advised by your doctor.
  2. Enter the classrooms without sanction of the principal.
  3. Interview teachers or children during class hours without the principal’s permission.
  4. Take children away from school without informing the principal.
  5. Send or encourage your child for tuitions rather than studying on his/her own effort.
  6. Parents are requested not to claim for double promotion.


  1. Once the students are admitted into the school, parents should not presume that their wards continue education in the school till X std., unless they score good marks and have good behavior every year.
  2. The students who fail and are irregular to school are detained.
  3. Students who have failed twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
  4. Pupils who are found to be disinterested in their studies will be given three warnings and if there is no response, they are liable to be given Transfer certificate.
  5. Parents who wish to withdraw a student from the school must submit an application written and signed by them. School fees have to be paid for the whole year before T.C. is issued.
  6. No Transfer Certificate is issued until all dues or arrears of the student are paid.
  7. Students leaving the school shall pay the fees for the holiday months in the academic year
  8. Students must keep all the certificates safely. No duplicate T.C. will be issued.
  9. No T.C. will be issued during holidays or vacations.